Microfilm Scanners - ST Imaging, Konica Minolta & Nextscan
Scan 16/35MM Roll Film, ANSI/3M Cartridges, Microfiche, UltraFiche, Microcards, Aperture Card Scanners, and 35mm Color Slides
ST Imaging Microfilm Scanners

ST Imaging ViewScan 4
ST Imaging's ViewScan 4 is the most advanced end-user microfilm scanner available today. Film is displayed in real time on a PC monitor in place of a traditional viewing screen. The printer has also been eliminated allowing users to print to network (or local) printers.
These innovations reduce the devices' size by 75% over conventional reader printers, allows you to select the optimum display size for your users, and eliminates another printing device and the associated supplies and maintenance.
As a digital device users have a wide range of options for their scanned images; save files as PDF/JPG/TIF, Email images, save to flash or network drives, upload to DropBox/Google Drive/OCLC/ILLiad, digitally enhance images, and convert to searchable text.

ST ViewScan Users
Several key features make this device the most user-friendly and versatile scanner for both dedicated staff and walk-up users users with minimal training.
Key Features:
9 megapixel (black and white) image sensor or 18 megapixel (color) image sensor
Single scan; no pixel-shifting or need to integrate multiple images -
Image remains in focus at all times allowing for slow browsing
Save files as PDFs, Searchable PDFs (optional), TIFF, JPG, and more
Email images from within the application (no need to save and attach).
Upload to DropBox, Google Drive, ILLiad/Odyssey, OCLC, Family Search, etc.
Physical film forward/reverse buttons in addition to software based controls. Allows system to be configured in familiar "reader printer" mode.
Auto film scaning - scan entire rolls automatically (optional)
Total zoom range 7x to 105x, optical zoom range 7x to 30x
Fast digital zoom
Ergonomic design for easy film loading
Selectable user modes enable features by user type to simply operation for casual users but provide all features for more advanced users.
ClipMerge enables users to rubber band specific image sections and combine onto one scan
Full text and zonal OCR - convert your images to editable text (optional)
White LED for optimal film viewing
Lifetime lamp warranty
Technical Specifications:
Film Types: All, Including UltraFiche and 35mm color slides
Camera: 9 megapixel (black and white) image sensor or 18 megapixel (color) image sensor. Single scan; no pixel-shifting or need to integrate multiple images
Optical Zoom Lens: Total zoom range 7x to 105x, optical zoom range 7x to 30x
Scan Speed: 1 Second/Page
Interface: USB 3 Superspeed
Light Source: White LED True Color film optimized
Operating Systems: Windows 7 (32 or 64 Bit), Windows 8, or Windows 10
File Formats: PDF, Searchable PDF, TIF, JPG, JPG 2000, PNG, Bitmap, and more
Support Links
Specifications: Reynolds - ST Imaging ViewScan 4 Specifications
Capabilities: Reynolds - ST Imaging ViewScan 4 Capabilities

Key Features:
Patented film transport and LuminTec LED Strobe Light
Illumination system makes nextScan the leader in image
Ribbon Scanning software to prevent missing images
Multiple output formats including PDF, PDF/A, TIFF, JPEG,
JPEG2000 and many others
Enhancement of signatures and handwritten data
12-bit Scan and 12-bit Output
Scan 16/35mm roll film at speeds well over 1000 ppm, nearly twice the speed of any other scanner on the market.
Support for Pancake (up to 2500 ft) reels, including movie film reels
Choice of scanner chassis to accommodate internal or external expanded digital storage
Available Ribbon Storage Device (RSD) for the highest throughput and functionality
Designed for simplicity of use, low service requirements and a 24/7 production environment
Technical Specifications:
Film Types: 16/35MM rolls
Camera: 12 bit per pixel CCD array
Reduction Ratio: The Eclipse can scan film of any reduction ratio
Scan Speed: Up to 1,000 images per minute and beyond
Resolution: Native optical Resolution without scaling the image:
Scanner Resolution on Film: up to 15,500 DPI (optional 24,200)
At 24X Reduction Ratio: up to 640 DPI (optional 1,000)
At 48X Reduction Ratio: up to 320 DPI (optional 500) -
Light Source: Patented LuminTec Stroboscopic light line illumination system
Operating Systems: Windows XP/7, 32 or 64 bit
File Formats: TIFF bitonal G3/G4, TIFF uncompressed, Multi-page TIFF, JPEG, CALS, PDF/A, Multi-page PDF, JPEG 2000 (others available on request)
Support Links
Brochure/Specifications: Reynolds - nextScan Eclipse Series Brochure

nextScan FlexScan Family
3 in 1 Microfilm Scanner…One Scanner… Many functions…
FlexScan is a multi-format, Budget Friendly Production Microfilm Scanner offering a complete package of hardware, software, training and support to give you the best solution for your conversion projects.
FlexScan includes the scanner, PC, high resolution lens, automatic film carrier, NextStar PLUS software, on-site training and long term support. Also offered with this solution are an optional expanded digital storage (RSD) and/or an automatic fiche/aperture card loader that can provide continuous and unattended scanning.
Key Features:
This powerful system can handle the unique properties of microfilm and aperture card scanning including:
Scanning high density images
Captures fiche titles
User definable index methodologies (see NextStar)
Deskewing of images on microfiche or roll film
Multiple output formats including PDF/A
Scan microfiche at speeds up to 200 ppm – speeds up to 600 ppm when employing autoloader
Scan 16mm roll film at speeds up to 400 ppm
Handles all standard fiche formats and custom sizes up to 5 x 8 inches
Patented LuminTec – ultimate image quality from a strobed illumination system
Ribbon scanning software for guaranteed image capture and detection
Single fiche scanning or optional autoloader for unattended scanning (see autoloader)
Includes NextStar Plus workflow Software, the industry technology lead
Simultaneous capture and output, maximized throughput
QA/Audit during or after the scan, from multiple workstation
Technical Specifications:
Film Types: 16/35mm film (70mm available by special request) Standard, Jumbo fiche, Mini Jackets, Aperture Cards
Camera: 12 bit per pixel CCD array
Reduction Ratio: The Eclipse can scan film of any reduction ratio
Scan Speed: Scan microfiche at speeds up to 190 ppm / Scan 16mm roll film at speeds up to 400 ppm
Resolution: Native optical Resolution without scaling the image:
Scanner Resolution on Film: up to 15,500 DPI (optional 24,200)
At 24X Reduction Ratio: up to 640 DPI (optional 1000)
At 48X Reduction Ratio: up to 320 DPI (optional 500) -
Light Source: Patented LuminTec Stroboscopic illumination system for stop motion scanning
Operating Systems: Windows XP/, 32 or 64 bit
File Formats: TIFF bitonal G3/G4, TIFF uncompressed, Multi-page TIFF, JPEG, CALS, PDF/A, Multi-page PDF, JPEG 2000 (others available on request)
Support Links
Brochure/Specifications: Reynolds - nextScan flexScan with nextStar Brochure
Konica Minolta Microfilm Scanners

Konica Minolta UScan
Konica Minolta's UScan (available in three models - the UScan+ LTE, UScan+, and UScan+ HD) is the latest in Minolta's microfilm scanner series. Film is displayed in real time on a PC monitor in place of a traditional viewing screen. The printer has also been eliminated allowing users to print to network (or local) printers.
These innovations reduce the devices' size by 75% over conventional reader printers, allows you to select the optimum display size for your users, and eliminates another printing device and the associated supplies and maintenance.
As a digital device users have a wide range of options for their scanned images; save files as PDF/JPG/TIF and others, Email images, save to flash or network drives, digitally enhance images, and convert to searchable text.

Several key features make this device the most user-friendly and versitile scanner for both dedicated staff and walk-up users users with minimal training.
Key Features:
UScan+ LTE and UScan+ = 10 Megapixel Camera; UScan+ HD = 18 Megapixel Camera
Save files as PDFs, Searchable PDFs (optional), TIFF, JPG, JPG 2000, BMP, GIF, PNG
Email images from within the application (no need to save and attach).
Auto film scaning - scan entire rolls automatically (optional)
Wide range optical zoom: UScan+ LTE and UScan+ = 7x to 60x; UScan+ HD = 7x to 105x
Fast digital zoom
Ergonomic design for easy film loading
Full text and zonal OCR - convert your images to editable text (optional)
Lifetime lamp warranty
Technical Specifications:
Film Types: 16/35MM Rolls, Fiche, Aperture Cards
Camera: UScan+ LTE and UScan+ = 10 Megapixel; UScan+ HD = 18 Megapixel
Optical Zoom Lens: UScan+ LTE and UScan+ = 7x to 60x; UScan+ HD = 7x to 105x
Scan Speed: 1 Second/Page
Interface: USB 3
Maximum Resolution: 600 DPI
Light Source: LED
Operating Systems: Windows 7 Professional (64 bit only); Windows 8 (64 bit only) Intel Processor; Windows 10 (64 bit only) Intel Processor
File Formats: PDF, TIFF, JPG, JPG 2000, BMP, GIF, PNG
Support Links
Brochure/Specifications: Reynolds - Minolta UScan Brochure
Comparison of UScan Models: UScan Comparison Chart
Konica Minolta MS6000 MKII
Many users prefer a scanner with a traditional film viewing screen. Minolta's MS6000 MKII works both as a "reader printer" and a film/fiche scanner. The MS6000 can be used without a PC and print directly to an attached laser printer. However when connected to a PC the MS6000 will scan images that can be saved in a variety of file types (TIF, PDF, JPG, etc.).
Users can switch between reader-printer and scanner mode with the push of a button. As a TWAIN device the MS6000 can be run directly from any software application that supports TWAIN scanning.
The MS6000 utilizes film carriers to accommodate all film formats.

Key Features:
Large viewing screen for optimum film viewing and browsing
Print to an attached printer - no PC required
Pushbutton changeover for PC based scanning
Software independence - As a TWAIN device the MS6000 can be run directly from any software application that supports TWAIN scanning.
Image remains in focus at all times allowing for slow browsing
Save files as PDFs, Searchable PDFs (optional), TIFF and JPG
Email images as attachmenets
Multiple zoom lenses for a range of 7x - 50x
Ergonomic design for easy film loading
Print letter, legal and 11" x 17" with attached printer (optional)
Auto Centering, Auto Frame Masking, Auto Image Rotation, Auto Skew Correction, Date Stamp (with printer), Footswitch Support (optional), Front-Panel Scanning (“push” scanning), Grayscale Support (optional), Manual Masking (trimming & masking; optional)
Technical Specifications:
Screen size: 12" x 12"
Film Types: All, Including UltraFiche and Microcards
Optical Zoom Lens: 7.5x - 50x
Digital Zoom: 50x - 200x
Scan Speed: 7 Seconds/Page
Optical Resolution: 600 DPI
Maximum Resolution: 800 DPI
Interface: USB 2
Operating Systems: Windows XP, 7 (32 or 64 Bit), 8
Support Links
Brochure/Specifications: Reynolds - Minolta MS6000MKII Brochure
Konica Minolta MS7000 MKII
Many users prefer a scanner with a traditional film viewing screen. Designed for larger image sizes, Minolta's MS7000 MKII works both as a "reader printer" and a film/fiche scanner. The MS7000 can be used without a PC and print directly to an attached laser printer. However when connected to a PC the MS7000 will scan images that can be saved in a variety of file types (TIF, PDF, JPG, etc.).
Users can switch between reader-printer and scanner mode with the push of a button. As a TWAIN device the MS7000 can be run directly from any software application that supports TWAIN scanning.
The MS7000 utilzes film carriers to accommodate all film formats, even apeture cards.

Key Features:
Large viewing screen for optimum film viewing and browsing
Print to an attached printer - no PC required
Pushbutton changeover for PC based scanning
Software independence - As a TWAIN device the MS6000 can be run directly from any software application that supports TWAIN scanning.
Image remains in focus at all times allowing for slow browsing
Save files as PDFs, Searchable PDFs (optional), TIFF and JPG
Email images as attachmenets
Multiple zoom lenses for a range of 7x - 50x
Ergonomic design for easy film loading
Print letter, legal and 11" x 17" with attached printer (optional)
Auto Centering, Auto Frame Masking, Auto Image Rotation, Auto Skew Correction, Date Stamp (with printer), Footswitch Support (optional), Front-Panel Scanning (“push” scanning), Grayscale Support (optional), Manual Masking (trimming & masking; optional)

Technical Specifications:
Screen size: 12" x 17"
Film Types: All, Including UltraFiche and Microcards
Optical Zoom Lens: 7.5x - 50x
Digital Zoom: 50x - 200x
Scan Speed: 5 Seconds/Page
Optical Resolution: 600 DPI
Maximum Resolution: 800 DPI
Interface: USB 2
Operating Systems: Windows XP, 7 (32 or 64 Bit), 8
Support Links
Brochure/Specifications: Reynolds - Minolta MS7000MKII Brochure
nextScan Microfilm Scanners (Production Level)
nextScan Eclipse FamilY
The World’s Leading Production Level Rollfilm Scanners… Engineered for the Power User!
The Eclipse 16/35mm roll film scanning solution provides a complete package of hardware, software, training and support to provide the fastest throughput and highest quality digital images in the market today. Eclipse systems include the scanner, PC, high resolution lens, NextStar PLUS Workflow Software, on-site training and long term support.