Events, News & Media
11/11/2020 -
United Way
Reynolds kicks off 2021 United Way Campaign
November 11, 2020 - Kicking off our first virtual United Way campaign!
2020 has created needs in the Lehigh Valley that have never been seen before. Before the 2020 pandemic, nearly half of the Lehigh Valley was living paycheck to paycheck with no emergency fund. The pandemic became that emergency, making the United Way's services even more crucial and the they stepped up.
From pivoting from summer lunches to seven day a week lunches for children to increasing meal deliveries to seniors to enhancing the services of community schools to keep children healthy and engaged during a difficult time, the United Way of the Lehigh Valley has quickly determined the needs created by COVID-19 and implemented solutions.
Thank you to everyone at the United Way and their Partner agencies for their quick work filling the needs created by the pandemic.
6/9/2020 -
Reynolds Business Systems Moves!

June 6, 2020 - In 2020 we are celebrating our 50th Anniversary. And after 30 years on Brookside Rd in Allentown, we have moved to a beautiful scenic location just 10 minutes south in Emmaus, atop South Mountain.
This location is far more efficient and incorporates many of the systems we provide to our own customers like Panel Built Modular Walls and Datum High Density Shelving. These systems let us provide lots of open space, take advantage of natural light, create a collaborative environment and greatly expand our storage capacity in a smaller footprint (we can now fit 35% more in 1,300 fewer square feet).

5/30/2020 -
Good Shepherd Rehabilitation
Gala in the Garden 2020

May 30, 2020 - Good Shepherd Rehabilitation's annual Gala in the Garden to benefit the Emily Howatt Pliskatt Pediatric Unit will be held virtually at 7pm EST on May 30, 2020.
The Gala continues its long tradition of providing cutting edge treatment and compassionate care for children regardless of their health insurance coverage.
This year will include musical performances including Craig Thatcher, a Pajama Contest, the annual Coloring Contest, success stories and much more.
With more than a century of compassionate care, Good Shepherd has deep roots in our community. Reynolds is proud to be able to support the Gala again this year.
12/13/2019 -
Workforce Board Lehigh Valley
Reynolds participates in the Workforce Board's first Jobs Tree

December 13, 2019 - We're excited to be able to participate in the Workforce Board Lehigh Valley's first ever Jobs Tree - a six foot, wooden tree (built by Lehigh County Maintenance workers with a contribution from Air Products) whose ornaments contain about 130 job postings from 50 Lehigh Valley employers, offering a wide variety of positions.
The tree, the result of the inventiveness of the Workforce Board's Executive Director, Nancy Dischinat, will be located in front of the Lehigh County Government Center on 7th Street in Allentown and will help to connect the hardworking citizens of the Lehigh Valley with local employers eagerly looking to fill jobs.
Reynolds Scanning positions are listed on the tree and Keith Reynolds, Workforce Investment Board member and President of Reynolds Business Systems, attended the unveiling at the Government Center and talked with the Morning Call about the tree's importance for local employers. Read the article.
Check out the tree and the great opportunities it can provide next time you're downtown!
11/7/2019 -
United Way
Reynolds kicks off 2020 United Way campaign
November 7, 2019 - Reynolds is happy to be kicking off our 2020 United Way campaign!
Raymond Santiago, Director, Workplace Engagement for the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley was kind enough to visit our office again this year to tell us about the current initiatives and projects the UWGLV is undertaking to assess and address the area's challenges.
We are grateful to the United Way for their continued work in the Valley and to our employees for their past generosity. We look forward to working with the United Way to build a brighter 2020 for everyone.
10/1/2019 -
Healthcare Facility Managers Association of Delaware Valley
29th Fall Conference & Technical Exhibition
October 1, 2019 - Visit us at Booth 59 at the Healthcare Facility Managers Association of Delaware Valley's (HFMADV) 29th Fall Conference & Technical Exhibition today at the Radisson Hotel in Trevose, PA.
The Healthcare Facility Managers Association of Delaware Valley enables individuals involved in healthcare facilities, engineering, construction, security, infectious control, and safety management to further their knowledge, utilize their resources, and discover solutions to incorporate into their facilities.
Reynolds will be at Booth 59 with products and services that enable healthcare facilities of all types to ease compliance, increase safety and efficiency and reduce costs. We hope to see you there!

9/24/2019 -
The Pennsylvania Public Purchasing Association (PAPPA)
2019 PAPPA Reverse Trade Show

September 24, 2019 - Reynolds will be attending The Pennsylvania Public Purchasing Association's (PAPPA) 2019 PAPPA Reverse Trade Show at Bear Creek Mountain Resort and Conference Center in Macungie, PA on September 24, 2019.
PAPPA members are affiliated with purchasing at various levels of government, including State, City, County, Township, School Districts, State Police, Housing Authorities and Sewer Authorities throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The purpose of the Pennsylvania Public Purchasing Association is to develop and promote an ethical, efficient and effective group of Public Purchasing Officials.
The Reverse Trade Show is a unique opportunity for Reynolds to educate procurement professionals from across Pennsylvania about products and services that enable PA government to operate more efficiently, increase access to information, reduce space requirements, and save taxpayer dollars.
9/18/2019 -
PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley
Reynolds is honored to be PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley’s Employer of the Week

September 18, 2019 - Reynolds is honored to be PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley’s Employer of the Week.
PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley’s Vision is to build an economically viable community by providing effective, responsive, user friendly and valued programs that develop, deliver and sustain a quality workforce.
Reynolds has been working with PA Careerlink® LV with much success since the early 2000's to grow our dedicated, hardworking Document Conversion team - and given that the average Reynolds employee has been with us for 16 years (as of this post), it's clearly working!...Read more
6/27/2019 -
Workforce Board Lehigh Valley
Keith Reynolds presents at the Workforce Board Lehigh Valley's 2019 Job and Labor Market Datapalooza

June 27, 2019 - Great communities are fueled by their ability to use accurate and timely workforce and employer data and the Lehigh Valley is no exception. The Valley looks to the Workforce Board Lehigh Valley to provide much of this data, specifically the Business & Public Policy Committee.
The Committee presented its 2019 findings at the 2019 Job and Labor Market Datapalooza on June 27th at PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley.
Keith Reynolds, Chair of the Business and Public Policy Committee and President of Reynolds Business Systems, was honored to present the findings on behalf of the Committee...Read more
5/16/2019 -
Reynolds & Kiwanis
Reynolds employees participate in 2019 Annual Lehigh Valley Children's Centers/Kiwanis Field Day and Picnic

May 16, 2019 - LVCC's 235 preschool and Pre-K Counts students from their Allentown sites ran, jumped, learned - including science experiments - and had a beautiful sunny day outdoors at the Rose Garden Park with their friends at the Kiwanis Club of Allentown, along with the help of nearly 100 student volunteers from Allen, Central Catholic, Emmaus, Parkland, Salisbury, and Whitehall High Schools. Reynolds employees were happy to be able to take part in the annual Field Day again this year...See the pictures
4/25/2019 -
Pennsylvania Society for Health Facility Engineering
2019 Spring Conference

April 25-26, 2019 - Join us at Booth 36 at the Pennsylvania Society for Health Facility Engineering's (PSHFE) 2019 Spring Conference at the Red Lion Hotel Harrisburg Hershey.
PSHFE is the advocate and resource for continuous improvement in the healthcare engineering and facilities management profession in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Join us at Booth 36 for products and services that enable healthcare facilities of all types to
more easily comply with JCAHO and other regulations, reduce costly storage space, improve patient and employee safety, and reduce operating costs. We hope to see you there!
12/11/2018 -
Kofax RPA Wins DM Award for Artificial Intelligence / Robotic Process Automation Product of the Year
December 11, 2018 - Kofax®, a leading supplier of intelligent automation (IA) software to digitally transform end-to-end business processes, today announced Kofax RPA was named “AI / Robotic Process Automation Product of the Year” at the 2018 DM Awards, a prestigious awards program conducted by Document Manager Magazine.
“By enabling organisations to easily and cost effectively scale their RPA deployments across the enterprise, we’ve raised the bar with Intelligent Automation – the next generation of RPA. We are pleased that the readers of DM Magazine recognise this and honored to receive this award. It is a testament to our success and leadership in the market,” said Reynolds C. Bish, Chief Executive Officer of Kofax. “As the only vendor with cognitive capture, RPA, process orchestration and analytics in its own software portfolio, Kofax is creating value for our customers as they manage and scale RPA throughout their organisations.”...Read more
9/19/2018 -
Reynolds to showcase latest in library scanning technology at PaLA's 2018 Conference Oct 14 - 17, 2018
September 19, 2018 - Pennsylvania's libraries hold valuable and often unique microfilm and newspaper collections. Reynolds will be showcasing the latest in scanning technologies that enable high-quality capture and instant sharing of these unique mediums with anyone, anywhere at the Pennsylvania Library Association's (PaLA) Annual Conference Booth 111 from October 14-17, 2018.
5/28/2018 -
Reynolds & Kiwanis
Reynolds employees participate in 2018 Annual Lehigh Valley Children's Centers/Kiwanis Field Day and Picnic

May 28, 2018 - LVCC's 235 preschool and Pre-K Counts students from their Allentown sites ran, jumped, and had a beautiful sunny day outdoors at the Rose Garden Park with their friends at the Kiwanis Club of Allentown, along with the help of nearly 100 student volunteers from Allen, Emmaus, Parkland, and Salisbury Township High Schools. Highlights included a visit from FeFe, Iron Pigs mascot, and a magic show. Reynolds employees were happy to be able to take part in the annual Field Day again this year...See the pictures
3/13/2018 -
Kodak Alaris
Alaris wins Buyers Lab Scanner Line of the Year for third consecutive year
March 13, 2018 - Industry Analysts BLI awarded Alaris, a Kodak Alaris Business, with their 2018 Scanner Line of the Year Award, for an unprecedented 3 years in a row. See how the scanners were tested, and why BLI chose Alaris for its top pick again this year...Watch the video
1/24/2018 -
ST Imaging
ST Imaging ViewScan Microfilm Scanner receives fourth consecutive award from Modern Library Awards

January 24, 2018 - ST Imaging, a worldwide leader in the design and manufacturing of digital microfilm viewer/scanners announces their fourth consecutive Platinum award from LibraryWorks’ fourth annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs). The ST ViewScan is the only microfilm scanner to have won the Platinum MLA in all four years.
“ST Imaging is proud to receive our fourth Modern Library Award with Platinum distinction. It is a testament to the ease of use and the high quality of our scanners that, year after year, library professionals judge the ViewScan as one of the best in the industry. This drives us to continue to bring the very best technology to the world of microfilm scanning,” said Matt Anderson, Vice President of Marketing for ST Imaging...Read more
1/11/2018 -
Kofax Declares 2018 The Year of the Robot
January 11, 2018 - Kofax®, a leading provider of software to simplify and transform the First Mile™ of business, today announced record sales achievements for Kofax Kapow™, its leading robotic process automation (RPA) software that mimics human actions to automate a wide range of manual, repetitive tasks and drive continuous improvement. With interest in RPA technology and demand for Kapow at an all-time high, Kofax has declared 2018 the Year of the Robot.
With hundreds of thousands of Kapow software robots deployed at more than 550 enterprise customers, BPO providers and shared service organizations around the world, Kapow has enabled exceptional results by driving better operational efficiency, customer responsiveness, compliance and cost savings. Kapow’s automation capabilities are being leveraged across a wide range of use cases and industries including customer and employee onboarding, banking, insurance, supply chain, logistics, finance, accounting, marketing, and customer service...Read more
9/6/2017 -
PA Department of General Services
2017 PA Procurement Expo & Forum

September 6 2017 - Reynolds participates in the Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) first ever PA Procurement Expo & Form.
DGS is hosting its first ever Procurement Expo & Forum for state government agencies and more than 8,500 invited COSTARS members, including local governments, school districts, public authorities, education and health non-profits.
The expo is a premier networking and educational event for public procurement decision-makers. It's an exciting opportunity for these organizations to interact with vendors, learn about and share the newest and most innovative ideas, products, and trends in public procurement, and attend product demonstrations and educational workshops.
Reynolds will be showcasing our newest products for Pennsylvania's governments, services to help comply with The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission's (PHMC) new 2017 government records management guidelines.
Visit us at Booth 879 to learn more about all of Reynolds exciting new products to help PA governments reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve services to PA citizens.
5/18/2017 -
Reynolds & Kiwanis
Reynolds employees participate in Annual Lehigh Valley Children's Centers/Kiwanis Field Day and Picnic

May 18 2017 - The Kiwanis Club of Allentown, one of the oldest Kiwanis Clubs in Pennsylvania, hosted their ninth consecutive field day and picnic at the Rose Garden Pavilions in Allentown for Lehigh Valley Children's Centers.
Our largest gathering to date, 235 LVCC preschoolers worked together in teams through various agility relays and obstacle courses. Kiwanis held its first field day and picnic for LVCC on September 24, 2009. The event has grown each year.
“Kiwanis is an organization where young children are its first priority and LVCC is an outstanding organization that positively changes the lives of young children," commented Tom Harp, president of the Kiwanis Club of Allentown and LVCC board member. A community of volunteers and LVCC staff, as well as hours of preparation, was needed to successfully carry out such a large event. Over 50 Key Club student volunteers from five area high schools—Emmaus, Parkland, Salisbury, William Allen, and Allentown Central Catholic—were instrumental in operating the high-energy activities.
The LVCC field day and picnic has become a signature service project for the Kiwanis Club of Allentown and is a result of the sponsorship and efforts of Kiwanis member Keith Reynolds and his wife, Jessica. They coordinated the entire event from start to finish...View the photo gallery
4/5/2017 -
OpenText named a leader in Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Content Management - Business Content Services, Q2 2017

CAMBRIDGE, M.A., April 5 2017 - OpenText has been named a leader in Enterprise Content Management Business Content Services (ECM BCS) by analyst firm Forrester Research, Inc. in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Content Management - Business Content Services, Q2 2017 .
The ways that knowledge workers access, create, and collaborate on business content are changing rapidly. And enabling them with simple, effective tools that don't sacrifice control and governance is a key component of next-generation Enterprise Content Management platforms
2/2/2017 -
Kodak Alaris
Kodak Alaris wins Buyers Lab Scanner Line of the Year for Second Consecutive Year

Kodak Alaris' Information Management division won BLI's Scanner Line of the Year award for the second consecutive year for its...
1/11/2017 -
ST Imaging
ST Imaging ViewScan III Microfilm Scanner receives third consecutive award from LibraryWorks
Designed around the patron experience, the ST View Scan III is regarded as the easiest to learn and use microfilm scanner on the market. While older reader/printers and other microfilm scanners can be difficult to operate, the ST ViewScan III makes loading film quick and easy and the task of microfilm research fun. The ST ViewScan III also allows users to share their discoveries like never before. Patrons can quickly save to a USB drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, email, FamilySearch, OCLC, and of course, can print...Read more

1/1/2017 -
Limited Time Scan Packages
11/8/2016 -
Industry: Financial Services - Mortgage
As far as tech innovation goes, here's where the industry's headed
November 8 2016 - Innovation is the new buzzword for the mortgage industry, replacing TRID, which instigated a less enthusiastic response.
At the Mortgage Bankers Association’s annual convention and expo in Boston late last month, the industry showed it moved beyond the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule to its new focus, innovation.
For where this tech innovation is headed, Kelly Adkisson, managing director for Accenture's Credit Consulting Practice in North America, said in a follow-up interview that she sees two categories of innovation unfolding in parallel: efficiency and customer experience, both of which tie to customer acquisition and retention...Read more
10/31/2016 -
Gartner names EMC (now part of OpenText) a Leader in the 2016 ECM Magic Quadrant

10/24/2016 -
Industry: Financial Services - Mortgage
This is where mortgage technology is headed
October 24 2016 - One day soon, entire lending process will be online
Many lenders have already started the process of going digital. Why? As Roostify CEO Rajesh Bhat put it in a message to HousingWire, “It’s what customers want.”
On Monday, at the Mortgage Bankers Association annual conference in Boston, several panelists spoke on the topic at a session titled Overcoming the Final Hurdles to Digital Mortgage.
“More and more transactions are moving online, and today's consumers - especially the 35-and-under set - take it as a given that they'll be able to transact online,” Bhat told HousingWire.
But borrowers aren’t the only ones who benefit from going digital. It can also be helpful for lenders. Digital verification helps lenders make decisions quicker and based on more accurate information...Read more
10/12/2016 -
Pennsylvania Library Association
2016 Annual Conference

October 12 2016 - The Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) Annual Conference provides librarians all over Pennsylvania with the tools they need to keep up in the ever-changing library world. At the 2016 Conference, Reynolds will be exhibiting ways for librarians to make their collections more accessible including Microfilm Scanners; Book Scanners; and Collection Digitization Services including Book Scanning, Microfilm Scanning, and Newspaper Scanning Services. Stop by our booth on October 16 - 19, 2016 at the Kalahari Resort in the Poconos, PA.
5/26/2016 -
Reynolds & Kiwanis
Reynolds employees participate in Annual Lehigh Valley Children's Centers/Kiwanis Field Day and Picnic

May 26 2016 - Lehigh Valley Children’s Centers (LVCC) is the largest full day, year-round, early education and child care provider in the region. They provide high quality early education and child care to more than 1,000 children in Lehigh and Northampton Counties ranging in age from six weeks through elementary school.
Each year, the Kiwanis Club of Allentown hosts a Field Day and Picnic for the LVCC preschoolers. Reynolds employees assist the Kiwanis Club with preparation and the picinc each year.
This year, 160 preschoolers from LVCC took part in the picnic which was held at the Memorial Rose Garden pavilions. The children worked together in teams through various relays and obstacle courses, all while being cheered on by their friends. They practiced throwing, kicking, running, jumping, and balancing. Student volunteers from the Key Clubs at William Allen, Parkland, and Salisbury Township High Schools were instrumental in operating the high-energy activities.
The big highlight of the day - MeLVin from the Lehigh Valley Phantoms made an appearance to try out his throwing and punting skills with the children!
After a busy day of games and sports, the children settled down to a delicious picnic lunch purchased and prepared by the Kiwanis Club. Hundreds of hot dogs were grilled for the hungry children and volunteers...View the photo gallery
4/7/2016 -
Reynolds & Konica Minolta
Reynolds receives the 2016 Pro-Tech Service Award for service excellence

April 7 2016 - Reynolds Business Systems is recepient of the Pro-Tech Service Award for 2016 through dedication to service excellence.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (Konica Minolta) today announced that Reynolds Business Systems of Allentown, PA has been honored for the seventh year in a row with a 2016 Pro-Tech Service Award, which recognizes those Konica Minolta dealerships that demonstrate the highest commitment to customer support and satisfaction.
The Pro-Tech award gives every Konica Minolta customer a distinct advantage: the assurance of knowing that your Konica Minolta dealer has the skills, training and dedication to keep your equipment operating at the peak of productivity...Read more
1/25/2016 -
Kodak Alaris
Kodak Alaris wins Buyers Lab Scanner Line of the Year
1/2/2016 -
Nearly eliminate downtime with Reynolds
January 2 2016 - Reynolds announces implementation of state-of-the-art field service management tool.
In today's word of instantly available information, organizations cannot afford downtime. Every minute that a customer is waiting for an answer, every minute a scanner that feeds a business process is down, and every minute a decision maker spends searching for the information they need to make the right decision, is detrimental.
To that end, Reynolds has implemented state-of-the-art field service management software to further improve service speed. "In addition to increasing the speed at which technicians arrive, this tool gives them unparalled access to equipment data and history which will enable an even faster, more accurate diagnosis and fix of the problem." Keith Reynolds, President
12/11/2015 -
ST Imaging
ST Imaging ViewScan Microfilm Scanner wins second Platinum award from LibraryWorks' Modern Library Awards

December 11 2015 - ST Imaging, a worldwide leader in the design and manufacturing of digital microfilm viewer/scanners is pleased to announce their second straight Platinum award from LibraryWorks’ second annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs). The ST ViewScan is the only microfilm scanner to have won the Platinum MLA both years.
The MLAs were created to recognize top products in the library industry in a truly unbiased format. Products were submitted by companies and collected by LibraryWorks, which distributes them to their database of more than 80,000 librarians at public, K-12, academic, and special libraries. Only customers who have had experience with these products in their facilities were permitted to judge the products, resulting in a truly unbiased score...Read more
11/4/2015 -
United Way
Reynolds kicks off 2016 United Way campaign
November 4 2015 - Reynolds is happy to be kicking off our 2016 United Way campaign with a visit from Phillip St. James of the United Way. "We look forward each year to learning about the United Way's goals and initiatives. They area aware of the pressing needs right here in our community and we are grateful to be able to support them. Our company and employees are excited about the progress the United Way is making to help children, the elderly, and all those in need. We thank them for their continued work and our employees for the generous support last year. We're looking forward to an even more successful 2016 campaign." Keith Reynolds, President.
10/14/2015 -
Western Lehigh Chamber of Commerce
Reynolds sponsors second WLCC community welcome sign

October 14 2015 - Reynolds sponsors second sign in the Western Lehigh Chamber's Community Welcome Sign project, this one in Wescosville, PA.
"The Chamber's Community Sign project seeks to create a stronger sense of community by bringing together the local municipalities, businesses and the Western Lehigh Chamber of Commerce.
The initiative began in Upper Macungie and has now moved over to Lower Macungie Township and will culminate in South Whitehall Township. Many of the towns in these areas lack a geographical "downtown". To create a greater sense of community within them, the Chamber has created Welcome signs which are be installed in very visible locations within the towns. Each one is sponsored by a local business.
The first sign we sponsored is located on Route 100 in Fogelsville, PA, which despite being a major logistics center in the Northeastern US, lacks a downtown district. This sign, along with the others in Fogelsville, are located in high traffic areas and have helped to reinforce the town name and define the area. We are hopeful that the signs in Wescosville will do the same." Keith Reynolds, President.
09/1/2015 -
Pennsylvania Public Purchasing Association (PAPPA)
2015 PAPPA Reverse Trade Show
September 1 2015 - Reynolds is pleased be attending the PAPPA Reverse Trade Show again this year. At a Reverse Trade Show, government agencies are the exhibitors and vendors are the attendees. We look forward to meeting with the representatives and providing them with information that will help their agencies operate first rate scanning operations, enable better information sharing among their departments and the public and easily comply with ever changing regulations. Please visit our booth at Bear Creek Mountian Resort & Conference Center in Macungie, PA on October 8, 2015.
07/1/2015 -
Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police
Annual Education & Training Conference 2015
July 1 2015 - Police departments everywhere need to be able to gather all the data on a case quickly, to eliminate lost files, and to control who has access to them. Reynolds scanning, imaging, and file tracking solutions enable all of this simply so that officers can focus on their work, not technology. Scanning and imaging also enable simultaneous access to information from anywhere. Reynolds is excited to be attending the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association Annual Conference again this year to share these state-of-the-art technologies with Pennsylvania's law enforcement. Please visit us at Booth 59 at the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square in Lancaster PA on July 12 - 13, 2015.
04/22/2015 -
Association of Information and Image Managemnt (AIIM)
Two Reynolds employees certified as AIIM Information Governance Practitioners
April 22 2015 - Reynolds is please to announce that Denise Jennings and Rick Reynolds have been certified as AIIM Information Governance Practitioners.
"The Information Governance certification will enable Denise and Rick to further provide our customers, partucularly those in highly regulated industries like healthcare, pharmaceutical, and utilites, with a systematic approach for managing their information asssets and ensuring regulatory compliance." Keith Reynolds, President.
04/7/2015 -
Pennsylvania Health Information Management Association (PHIMA)
PHIMA 77th Annual Meeting
April 7 2015 - Founded in 1938, the Pennsylvania Health Information Management Association (PHIMA) has been dedicated to promoting the art and science of Health Information Management and improving the quality of health information for the public welfare for over 75 years.
Reynolds will be exhibiting solutions that enable healthcare professionals to better access the information they need to provide high quality patient care at PHIMA's 77th Annual Meeting at the Hershey Lodge & Convention Center in Hershey PA from May 11 - 13, 2015.
03/5/2015 -
Kodak Alaris
Kodak Alaris Wins BLI Awards with Workgroup Scanners that Accelerate Customer Transactions and Reduce IT Costs
March 5 2015 - Kodak Alaris wins BLI Awards with Workgroup scanners that accelerate customer transactions and reduce IT costs.
Bank tellers, medical receptionists, DMV agents and other customer-facing staff need to quickly and accurately capture documents and customer information to complete transactions. In these fast-paced environments, it's critical to keep paperwork from getting lost or misfiled, and equally important for the scanning and handling of documents not to divert attention from customers...Read more
02/23/2015 -
Reynolds & Konica Minolta
Reynolds awarded 2015 Pro-Tech Award for service excellence

02/12/2015 -
Pennsylvania Library Association
2015 Annual Conference
February 12 2015 - The Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) Annual Conference provides librarians all over Pennsylvania with the tools they need to keep up in the ever-changing library world. At the 2015 Conference, Reynolds will be exhibiting ways for librarians to make their collections more accessible including Microfilm Scanners; Book Scanners; and Collection Digitization Services including Book Scanning, Microfilm Scanning, and Newspaper Scanning Services. Stop by our booth on October 4 - 7, 2015 at the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel in State College PA.
01/22/2015 -
ST Imaging
ST Imaging ViewScan Microfilm Scanner Receives Platinum Distinction from MLA

January 22 2015 - ST Imaging, a worldwide leader in the manufacturer of microfilm scanners is pleased to announce that it has received the Platinum award from LibraryWorks’ inaugural Modern Library Awards (MLA’s).
The MLA’s were created to recognize the top products in the library industry in a truly unbiased format. Products were sent to the LRG database of more than 80,000 librarians at public, K-12, academic, and special libraries. Only customers with experience with these products in their facilities were permitted to judge the products, resulting in a truly unbiased score. Each judge scored the product on a numeric basis from 1-10. Scores above a 6.5 average were issued awards based on scoring level...Read more
10/14/2014 -
Western Lehigh Chamber of Commerce
Reynolds participates in WLCC's Community Welcome sign project

October 14 2014 - Reynolds sponsors sign in the Western Lehigh Chamber's Community Welcome Sign project.
"The Chamber's Community Sign project seeks to create a stronger sense of community by bringing together the local municipalities, businesses and the Western Lehigh Chamber of Commerce.
The initiative is beginning in Upper Macungie and will move over to Lower Macungie Township and will culminate in South Whitehall Township. Many of the towns in these areas lack a geographical "downtown". To create a greater sense of community within them, the Chamber has created Welcome signs which are being installed in very visible locations within the towns. Each one is sponsored by a local business.
This sign will be located on Route 100 in Fogelsville, PA, which, despite being a major logistics center in the Northeastern United States, lacks a typical downtown. We are hopeful that it will help to instill a sense of community among the residents and businesses and further enhance the name and reputation of this important area." Keith Reynolds, President.
11/4/2014 -
United Way
Reynolds kicks off 2015 United Way campaign
November 4 2014 - Reynolds is pleased to be kicking off our 2015 United Way campaign with a visit from Jeff Reed from the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley! Reynolds is honored to to be able to contribute once again to our community through the important work of the United Way. We thank all of our employees for their past generosity and time and look forward to working with the United Way to create a better 2015 for all.
10/28/2014 -
Kodak Alaris
Why Records Management Matters More than Ever
October 28 2014 - Information professionals face a dilemma in records management—the cost of implementing a comprehensive solution versus the cost of ignoring the issue. According to a recent study from AIIM, 31 percent of senior executives admitted their inferior electronic records keeping is causing problems with regulators and auditors, while 14 percent said they were incurring fines or bad publicity due to poor handling of information. Similarly, a recent post in Wired's Innovation Insights blog says that poor data quality costs U.S. businesses up to $600 billion annually, or 20-35 percent of their operating revenue. For these reasons, successful records management matters more than ever...Read more
10/21/2014 -
HousingWire & Kofax
Industry: Financial Services - Mortgage
Empower today's consumers with mobile apps
October 21 2014 - A photo is worth a thousand words — and an easier lending experience
Lenders are under increasing pressure from regulatory burdens and shrinking mortgage volumes. With the cost of origination at an all-time high, finding efficiencies in the process is critical for growth. By utilizing mobile imaging upload, lenders can address one of the most vexing parts of being compliant — getting accurate and timely borrower documentation...Read more
10/7/2014 -
HousingWire & Kofax
Industry: Financial Services - Mortgage
How to reduce repurchase risk through automation
IRVING, T.X., October 7 2014 - Getting accurate data the first time reduces your risk downstream.
Originating loans in the still-stagnant housing economy is tough enough — no one wants to have to repurchase those loans due to process mistakes that could have been prevented.
The pressure on lenders around buybacks has never been greater. In 2013 alone, banks bought back $37.8 billion in mortgage loans. While many lenders have resolved legacy representation and warranty liabilities with the GSEs, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have turned their attention to potential problems with performing loans, and banks are on high alert to avoid even more repurchases...Read more
09/23/2014 -
Kodak Alaris
New Document Capture Software from Kodak Alaris Simplifies Scanning, Automates Indexing and Increases Productivity for Paper Intensive Businesses
ROCHESTER, N.Y., September 23 2014 - Despite widespread adoption of document capture solutions1, IT and operations managers in many mid-to-large sized enterprises with paper-based processes are still searching for ways to boost efficiency and productivity in the ways they capture and manage information. Scanning and extracting data for use in business processes and exporting information into repositories can be a bottleneck with serious implications on the cost of back-office operations and customer satisfaction...Read more
06/11/2014 -
Kodak Alaris
Kodak Alaris' i3000 and i4000 Series Scanners Win Better Buys for Business Editor's Choice Award
ROCHESTER, N.Y., June 11 2014 - Kodak Alaris announced today that it has won the Better Buys for Business (BBB) Editor's Choice Award for the KODAK i3000 and i4000 Series Scanners. The award-winning line of scanners delivers outstanding speed and image processing, improving the way information is captured, extracted and managed, enabling organizations to maintain compliance and enhance customer experiences...Read more
08/27/2013 -
Kodak Alaris
KODAK i2900 and i3400 Scanners Earn Summer “Pick” Awards for Product Design, Document Handling and Imaging Quality
ROCHESTER, N.Y., August 27 - Two KODAK scanners have been selected as 2013 Summer “Pick” Award recipients for best-in-class performance by Buyers Laboratory LLC (BLI). The independent provider of product testing and competitive intelligence named the KODAK i2900 Scanner as the “Outstanding A4 Flatbed Departmental Scanner” and the KODAK i3400 Scanner as the “Outstanding Low-Volume A3 Production Scanner”.
04/24/2013 -
Kofax named a Leader in Forrester Wave™: Smart Process Applications, Q2 2013
08/15/2012 -
Kofax named the Leader in Forrester Wave™: Multichannel Capture, Q3 2012