Reynolds PDF Services
The PDF format brings significant benefits to your document management solutions:
PDF vs Color or Grayscale Scanning - TIFF and JPG formats are not well suited for managing grayscale and color documents. For all but black & white images, TIFF files are either very large or compressed in a format incompatible with many viewers. JPG images cannot be multipage and they reduce image quality to achieve small image sizes. The PDF format corrects both of these problems.
Text Searching - PDF text can be made searchable even for scanned documents. Searchable PDFs allow users to search for keywords or terms within a document or across an entire collection of PDFs.
Indexing - PDF files can include a variety of index features, called links and bookmarks, that allow users to quickly navigate large documents. Links and bookmarks serve as an electronic table of contents.

Reynolds PDF/A Services
PDF/A is the PHMC standard for archiving permanent records. It ensures documents will always be readable in the future, regardless of hardware and software changes.
PDF/A images cannot be altered, cannot contain external references or links and are 100% self-contained. This ensures the PDF/A image is an exact replication of the original and will always be an exact replication.
Backfile conversion of TIFF or PDF images to PDF/A
On-going conversion of TIFF or PDF image files to PDF/A
Backup Security Preservation File off-site storage
Regular PDF version upgrades and media rotation

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If you are a government agency, you can do away with microfilm/fiche and your old reader-printers by moving to PDF/A. PHMC has updated the guidelines to allow all permanent records to be stored in PDF/A format. However, there are specific steps you must follow. You can download our Quick Guide to PHMC Compliance here.
PDF/A and PHMC Compliance
For government organizations that require PHMC compliance, PDF/A is a critical element to PHMC regulations. Reynolds can help you come into full compliance while ridding your department of paper and microfilm. Download our 3-Step Guide to Compliance for more details.
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Reynolds PDF Services
Reynolds expert staff can create PDFs that simplify your information with straightforward layouts and navigation features that make searching quick and easy, even for inexperienced users.
Scanning original documents to PDF
Converting existing electronic documents to PDF
Enabling full text searching within PDFs or across entire collections of PDFs
Creating links. bookmarks, thumbnails, and other PDF navigation features
PDF Optimization
PDF/A Conversion
Reynolds scanning and conversion Services
If you need to convert your existing documents and/or microfilm to scanned images, our experience conversion services lab is the simplest solution.
Scanning brings all organizations a number of significant operational benefits:
Provides immediate access from desktop PCs or portable devices
Enables tighter security of encrypted electronic files
Enables audit trail tracking of who has accessed information
Provides a backup copy for disaster recovery purposes
Eliminates storage requirements
Prevents lost or misfiled documents
Enables searching by a wide range of index values
Simplifies and automates records retention
Enables regulatory compliance
Greatly simplifies audits
Allows for outsourced services