Microfilming Services
High Quality Document Conversions

Reynolds provides a wide range of Microfilming Services to convert your paper documents to this space-saving, highly-reliable medium. Reynolds Microfilm Department is one of the most experienced and longest running in the country. All of our microfilm is archival, meets all state, ANSI, and AIIM Specifications, and is formatted to allow for efficient scanning.
Our considerable expertise in preparing, handling, microfilming, duplicating, and quality control provides us with significant efficiencies that are passed onto our clients in the form of highly
competitive rates and unequalled quality control.
Reynolds provides all the services and expertise you need to convert your documents and ensure that you get the most out of your investment.
Preparation focuses on organizing documents and repairing papers. We take a proactive approach during Preparation to reduce costs and optimize the filming process.
Preparation can be done as either a separate process before microfilming or during filming, depending on the types of documents being microfilmed and the type of camera used.
Receipt, check-in, and review
Reconcile documents with your inventory, if desired
If no inventory is available but one is desired, a complete inventory can be created in any format
Order, sort, batch, and flag for special handling
Remove bindings, staples and other fastening devices
Document repair, flattening, smoothing
Document Microfilming
Documents are filmed in the most cost-effective manner and on the best equipment for their document type.
Once microfilming is complete, microfilm rolls are processed, just as film from a traditional camera is processed. Processing is a critical, and often overlooked, step in the filming process. As a Fuji Film Certified Microfilm Laboratory, Reynolds receives third-party testing,
training, and inspections. This ensures you that your film is of the highest, archival quality.
100% Image and Roll Inspection and Certification
Reynolds Inspection and Certification process follows the highest level of inspection recommended by ANSI/AIIM, ensuring the highest level of quality available.
Microfilm Jacketing Services
Microfilm Jackets allow rapid retrieval of your images and allow image interfiling, useful when you have records that will be added to in the future. Our Jacketing Services provide high-quality, indexed, microfilm jackets at economical prices.
Duplication Services
Reynolds Duplication Services provide quality silver and diazo duplicate copies of microfilm and microfiche to serve as backup copies, copies for various locations and departments, and to serve disaster recover purposes.
Return or Certified Destruction of Originals
Once microfilming is complete, your originals can be either returned to you or destroyed via a secure, certified destruction process.
Reynolds Conversion Services Department has been capturing documents for over 47 years. Our staff averages 17+ years of experience. We have the experience to handle both small, simple projects and large, technically complex projects requiring an in-depth knowledge of your files.
Our process begins by reviewing with you important details about how your documents are created and utilized;
Who references the documents
How frequently are they retrieved
How are they categoried at both the folder and document level
How long are they retained
What are the access/security criteria
How are new documents added
What are your regulatory requirements
Will documents need to be accessed during the process
These and dozens of other criteria form the basis of our specifications for each project.
From this point forward we make the process simple. Once we have established the project specifications and submitted samples for evaluation, our staff takes over and your time can be spent fulfilling your duties, not managing a microfilming project.
Regardless of your industry, our staff has extensive experience with a wide array of organizational document types; higher education, banking, government, utilities, service providers, manufacturers, healthcare, and many others.
Efficient, high quality microfilming projects that will conform to regulatory and industry standards don't need to consume your valuable internal resources. Let your staff focus on your core business, let our staff effectively manage your microfilming projects.
Please feel free to contact us if we may be of assistance with any of your information management projects - please use the form in the footer below or our Contact Page.
Related Items
ST Imaging & Minolta
Microfilm Scanners
Microflm & Fiche Scanner
Make your microfilm or fiche accessible by referencing with a film scanner. Images can be printed, saved as PDFs, emailed, and uploaded to the cloud.
PA State Microfilming Specs
Set Quality Standards
Whether or not you are a government entity, these specifications set solid baseline standards for quality control.
Box Label Templates
Downloadable Box Labels
Download either of the PDFs below to label your boxes prior to Reynolds pickup. Complete the fillable PDF electronically or handwrite. Self adhesive pockets to affix labels to the boxes will be provided.
Document Preparation Checklist
Document Prep Guide
If your internal staff will be preparing documents for scanning, this PDF is a quick checklist of the procedure.
Benefits of Microfilming
Microfilming brings all organizations a number of significant operational benefits;
Enables tighter control and security of your information
Provides a backup copy for disaster recovery purposes
Virtually eliminates storage requirements
Prevents lost or misfiled document
Simplifie records retention
Enables regulatory compliance
Allows for outsourced services