Robotic process automation
getting started with rpa
RPA is deployed in weeks, not months
It's easier than you think
If you can map what an employee is doing to collect and input data, you can create a robot to do it for them - in a few hours without coding.
Select a time intensive, rules-based task and map the steps a human takes to complete the process. Include steps, systems used, workflow and where, if any, human interaction is needed.
Using the intuitive robot design studio, build robotic steps, mapping human interactions with applications. Test and validate robot.
Schedule robot runs based on business needs. You can re-use robot snippets for other processes and robot builds.
RPA Quick Guide
Reynolds experts will guide you through the process from identifying high potential, high impact processes, to mapping steps, selecting the right RPA software, programming robots and training staff. And like with all of our work and projects, we are always on call to answer questions.
We've got actual robots to show you how they work and how you can apply it to your organization and department. Call us today to get started, 610-398-9080.
program computer robots to mimic human steps
Call us for a free demo and one-on-one session and process evaluation
RPA robot design studios offers a code-free, logical and visual design. This makes it easy to program and easy to update robots for new data sources and processes. There is even a bot recorder that tracks steps in a process for you.
Plus, you can re-use routines across robots to save time and cost.
Sample web data capture robot

Robot loads specified web page
Robot searches for specified information on web page (text, images, values, etc.)
Robot repeats the search for all instances on the web page
Page data extraction is completed for all pages contained in the original search
Data is extracted and exported to destination (database, Excel/Word doc, etc.)
rpa use cases
PO creation
Invoice creation/distribution
Exception processing
Invoice/PO reconciliation
Vendor portal interactions
Server/application monitoring
FTP download/upload
User setup/configuration
IT rollouts (Windows, updates)
Inventory monitoring
Inventory reporting
Production reporting
Web Data Retrieval
Social media
Credit reports
Market intelligence
Competitor monitoring
Repetitive Tasks
Job scheduling
Update scheduling
Look up and verify information
Licensing and verification
Data entry
Forms processing
Copy/paste between systems
Competitive product/price matching
Email automation (send/receive and manage attachments)
Automate manual data entry
Month end data capture
Data transfer between systems
Report aggregation, formatting
Journal entries
T&E reporting/payment
Report distribution
New customers
New vendors
New students
New employees
100 Uses for RPA
how to get more out of excel with rpa
eliminate errors, save time

Take the burden out of creating and manipulating data in Excel with RPA. Using the bot designer you can easily map the steps a human takes in Excel, and create a robot to perform each, without error, in seconds.
top Excel functions you can automate
Copy, Cut and Paste Data
Transfer data between applications and systems
Import/Export files
Run Macros
Run analysis reports
Route Excel documents
Sort data
Delete duplicates
Compare columns
Fill in forms with data from Excel
Migrate and integrate data into platforms
Format Data
Extract data into workbooks
Update data to/from external systems
reynolds services
software solutions for image capture
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scanning and conversion services
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workflow solutions
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professional services
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rpa - robotic process automation
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document and electronic content management
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scanners and hardware
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phmc compliance services
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pdf and pdf/a services
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